We have been operating in the market for over twelve years.
What is staff leasing? We offer the perfect specialists for your project. All our candidates possess the necessary skills and qualifications that enable your company to thrive and achieve success.
NORDSTAFF helps select employees for business areas and situations where workforce leasing is the most appropriate and beneficial solution! By submitting a workforce leasing request to us, you no longer have to search for employees, conduct interviews, hire or legalize workers if they are citizens of other countries. Additionally, you don't have to deal with the paperwork associated with the workforce. Flexibility is also maintained when ending our cooperation – it's significantly easier than terminating an employment relationship with your own employee. We operate in the B2B sector and understand how valuable your time is, which is why we take on all the burdens of employee search.
Leia see, mis sobib just Sulle.
Pakume tööd nii tööelu alustavatele inimestele kui ka uusi väljakutseid otsivatele kogenud spetsialistidele. Oled huvitatud? Siis vaata rohkem!
NORDSTAFF OÜ has been active in the field of personnel search
and recruitment for years and has highlighted the advantages of workforce leasing:
- Flexibility: The company can temporarily increase its workforce as needed, for example, during seasonal peaks or for larger projects.
- Fast Recruitment Process: Using the service can reduce the time required to recruit and train a new employee. The leasing company provides qualified temporary workers who already have the necessary education or experience to perform specific tasks.
- Cost Savings on Personnel: Using workforce leasing can be more cost-effective than hiring a new employee, as the company does not need to pay permanent salaries, insurance, occupational health and safety costs, and other personnel-related expenses.
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We work with companies across Europe, and their number is steadily increasing each year.
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Rich experience and continuous growth thanks to satisfied clients.
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During our years of operation, we have helped over 14,000 people find employment.
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Our workforce database is very extensive and continuously growing.
Find the one that is just right for you.
If you are looking for temporary work or want to quickly find new opportunities, we are your chance. We offer a variety of projects where you can apply your skills and experience. Additionally, we ensure that every worker receives fair conditions and stable pay. Join us and find the job that’s perfect for you!
Do you have any questions about staff leasing ?
We'll be happy to answer them!
Lihtsaim viis oma uue töökoha
Leidke ideaalne spetsialist kiiresti ja lihtsalt! Tagame oma kandidaatide kvalifikatsiooni ja paindlikkuse teie projektide edukuseks.
Sirvi kategooriate kaupa
Leia töö, mis on just sulle sobiv
Avatud töökohad
Kirjuta meile ja me aitame Sind tööhõivega.
Leia see, mis sobib Right just Sulle.
Otsi kõik vabad töökohad veebis. Saad oma isikliku palgahinnangu.
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Me töötame partneritega üle kogu Euroopa.
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10 aastat tööd turul ja pidev kasv tänu rahulolevatele klientidele.
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Kogu ajaloo vältel oleme suutnud tööle aidata üle 14 tuhande inimese.
0 t+
Oma tegevuse jooksul oleme jõudnud ära juua üle 10 tuhande kohvitassi.
Parimad värbajad
Avasta oma järgmine karjäärisamm, vabakutseline töö või praktika.